Goodbye College Days. Hello Marriage and Baby.

My old roommate Erin and I never locked our door in college.  Partly because we were lazy but also if anyone needed to come and go from our room they could.  Kinda like an open door policy but not the smartest of decisions we made...  All of our close friends knew that we never locked our doors, and took advantage of this.  One particular friend, Ashley, participated in many pranks at our expense.  We would come home to mounds of toilet paper draped literally from the ceiling to the floor, a lit easter bunny candle infront of our door (random and DANGEROUS, hello!), cut up 7eleven straws all over our room (even in the pillows!), and the list goes on.  Well, this same girl started to get to know a boy named Michael around that same year.  Time passed, we moved on our separate ways after our two years at this junior college. Ashley and Michael then moved to Kentucky and started to date.  Years later they married, and about a month ago had a lil girl of their own named Kherington.  I got the opportunity to meet this beautiful girl!  It is great to see friends I chummed around with in college become, ahem, adults *cough*.  Now if only someone can send that memo over to me.:) Congratulations Ashley and Michael!  She is darling!!

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About Me

There is so much joy and love in life, its not always perfect but its there. At any opportunity that comes my way, at any stage of life I feel blessed to be able to capture it. Capturing your lives as they are now touches me. It shows strength through trials, love for family, joy for celebration, the beauty of growth and the fun in just everyday relationships. With that being said, I love what I do and have a blast doing it! Visit my website
Jessica Orthober