As I sit munching on my peanut butter m & m's, I think to myself (in that Kentucky accent) 'I LOVE them sweets'. And I love sharing sweets...unless its the last peanut butter m & m, that's when you need to get your own! Here are just a few sweets that I think are, well, ssweeett! Enjoy ya'll.
Sweet #1: Fathers that love their daughters! Sweet.
Sweet #2: Caboose. Small or big, whatever size it may be, a caboose is sweet when the words 'caboose' are written across it! Schweeeet.
Sweet #3: Friends that lift you up when you are down.... OR just lift you up, either way its saweett!
Sweet 4: Brides that are sweet, like this one. She is a sweetie! And a beauty too.
Sweet #5: Stacy Kiles' oreo balls. They beat those peanut butter m & m's by a square mile. Need the recipe? Let me know~ s( so fattin' u up)w(woah now) ee t.
Sweet #6: I think big ole St. Pete buildings are SWWWEEEETTTT. How do they do it??
Sweet #7: Chewing on er...leaves? Or kids with flowers? Or a picture with personality? Or all of the above? sa sa sa sweet.....bless you.
Sweet#8: A baby's belly laugh. Oh yeah! That is so so sweet.
Sweet #9: A sunset kiss. Mmmm, sweet.
There you have it, sweets calorie free and delicious~ minus Stacy's oreo balls! But, those are GOOD, or SWEET.