The Beauty of Young Families.

There is so many wonderful things to be said about great young families, not only do they grow together, they have such a great energy and beauty about them...this particular family falls right into that.  They were all so wonderful, sweet AND full of energy.  At the end of it, I was the one ready for the nap, but not them, they were more like ready for some water and a snack and then ready to go again, yep! Here is a quick sneak peak teaser for such a great family!!

 So glad they were running to me and NOT from me!

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About Me

There is so much joy and love in life, its not always perfect but its there. At any opportunity that comes my way, at any stage of life I feel blessed to be able to capture it. Capturing your lives as they are now touches me. It shows strength through trials, love for family, joy for celebration, the beauty of growth and the fun in just everyday relationships. With that being said, I love what I do and have a blast doing it! Visit my website
Jessica Orthober